why do celebrities dress like slobs

why do celebrities dress like slobs

Also, you can't go wrong with Macy's -- I get coupons from them all of the time that are often good on top of sale prices. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time I noticed it. Said restaurant now has little, brightly lit computer monitors obtrusively placed on every table. At least they were clean. We've received your submission. People were fiddling with phones, and are mostly unable to even put the damn things away for a half hour meal. The dress pants that were available were of cheap fabric, studded with rhinestones, and had fake pockets. It does not look pleasant. This is what modern technology has wrought. Look at old Kodachrome photos from the 60s or look at old film videos from Disneyland in the 60s on YouTube. Women look like hell aside from the FAT, poorly dressed, bad attitude, no makeup face, greasy hair, body odor, fifty earrings in their ears. As for ankle pants--what happens when winter hits? So they started promoting the casual slob look in sitcoms, magazine, fashion shows and in the media. I'd rather see a return of the old "zootsuits" than what I see people wear nowadays--or at least some of the 1960-1970 clothes. P.S. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I worked at a nationally known clothing and home goods retailer. I am asking for someone who dresses like a gentleman and presents himself professionally when the situation and setting calls for it. But I can say this with a shudder: If I were a lesbian, I would not find this type of hideous look the least bit of a turnon. Groups of people working side by side like work horses, but who don't connect and form a community. When I decided to try a casino's vaunted buffet, I had to make my way through a milling throng. Speaking of strange body piercings, has anyone seem the disturbing trend online which may or may not be Photoshopped where people are piercing the sides of their faces and expanding the holes so that you can see their teeth? There are comfortable dress shoes! I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy. Also, I realize that appearance isn't everything and that personality has to be accounted for when recognizing nice people. I'm constantly surprised by all the jeans in the office (I guess at 52 I'm old school, but I can't bring myself to wear 'em to work. It would be an impossibility of manpower and mental power. I dont wear clothing that's torn up in any way. Big bellies flowed over the . So what's up with the overly-shaggy haired and bearded look in which famous men appear these days? Variety is the spice of life. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. StillShaving. Clothes have gotten cheaper, tackier, and minimal in variety. Their posture is better, too. It's been going on now for years and does absolutely nothing to ensure the average American will get noticed for their sense of style and sophistication. Being 18, I'm part of the uncaring generation and I have to admit that for years I've been a slob. I usually wear all black with a band tee. Why are so many people looking like this? Skinny jeans, skinny slacks, ankle slacks--teacher should not wear skinny slacks to work, but there wasn't anything else. Am I shopping at the grocery store or in the hood? As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. Whatever happened to company dress codes? It has gotten so bad now that if a man wears an ordinary suit outside of a strictly professional business he will be conspicuous, and people will wonder if he's some snob or is rich and showing off. It's really gotten ugly out there, I am sorry to say, when I feel compelled to report these public obscenities now. It seems to get worse every year. Where do women and girls get off thinking that if they're 50 pounds overweight, that squeezing dumpy bodies into hideous yoga pants is not obscene? Kylie Jenner may have been wearing a classy Eat Me Out T-shirt, but at least she wasnt at the theater. Apparently, the youngest of the millenial generation will work for minimum wage and be exploited, but is happy so long as they get to express themselves by looking vulgar and unprofessional. https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-are-male-celebrities-dressing-like-such-slobs-1535383985, .css-11kxzt3-Strong{font-weight:var(--font-weight-medium);}IN THE NEW ISSUE OF GQ, Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson, 24, .css-1h1us5y-StyledLink{color:var(--interactive-text-color);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1h1us5y-StyledLink:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}brags that his style resembles how I dressed when I was, like, 10. And boy, does it. Technology and addiction to devices, maybe. But I digressthis post is about how people in general dress today. s-a-h-d. Another excellent post! What a dreary culture. (Information Technology) professional, I wore clothing appropriate for what I was doing, which was mostly a nice pair of Dockers pants, either a button down shirt or Lands End polo shirt, and for outside I wore an Australian outback hat (like a fedora, only with a slightly wider brim) if I wasn't required to wear a hardhat. The people don't try to look their best because they live inside a marxist fever dream where everyone is their best buddy and everyone is so very equal. In a third, hes shirtless, showing off a tattoo that reads: Jokes come and go, but swagger is forever. On Instagram, where GQ reposted some of the photos, the comments range from None of that looks wearable to This isnt GQ., Mr. Davidsons looks may not express the refined GQ aesthetic that readers know, but his giddily juvenile style is increasingly what weve come to expect from male celebrities. I dont have to dress up to please you. We get very nice clothes. But high culture isnt the only victim. While at this particular juncture of place and time in my life, I truly cannot afford good clothes, and the ones I do have need replacing. Who are they trying to impress if anyone? Women need to start wearing appropriate clothing as well. Indeed, there is a consignment store in my town that carries some really cute items, most of them designer labels, for really reasonable prices. Casual fashion was just starting to become socially acceptable but not allowed obscenities in public. Kids play tennis at Forest Hills West Side Tennis Club, famous for its strict all-white dress code. It was a privilege to wear jeans on Fridays, but now it seems we've gone to the other extreme, and in many offices the dress code is too lax ornonexistent. Society needs a generous dose of respectability. 59 people were murdered in Las Vegas fairly recently by another deranged white male with no motive other than hatred. I sometimes feel like we are heading the wrong way and have thrown all common sense out the window. Very neat and put together. I'm just at a loss as to why someone thinks that looks good. If there is any question that the masses of "God's Country" have been dumbed down to idiocy, then one only need look, if you are able to, at the hideous way most people are "dressing." Regardless, my clothing fits me as it should and is clean. I am a former French Foreign Legionnaire, born in Norway to Norse parents, but moved to the UK after serving 15 years as a legionnaire, and noticed that the poor self admin was apparent, not only in US civilians, but also its military while I was serving in Afghanistan. People used to take decent care of both dress&their bodies,years ago. That trend sounds like the "Jonah Hex" or "Two-Face" look - why make yourself look like a comic book character? I couldn't agree with you more Pam. I'm actually taking a little break from blogging but am already getting inspired to resume posting soon. That thought chills me and make me sad, and more lonely for days gone by. Not many slobs, are there? I hope this reply helps. I see the latest Issue of GQ with the newest sportcoats from top designers and buy an identical one for pennies on the dollar. Hi Pam, I've commented on this site before, and I thought I would give you an update as to how the thoughtless, ignorant masses are "behaving" in service restaurants these days. Basic common sense, and yes, it seems like most people dress without it now. You go into public and see people who don't even try to get dressed after getting out of bed. What a shame that no one seems to give much consideration to their personal adornment anymore. I wish more of us could understand that. Its the norm to display how overweight you are and the tattoos youre covered in. Yet, I trust that Pam is continuing to keep up appearances, and hasn't succumbed to the low mindset of looking like them? I recently went out to dine a "chain Italian" restaurant that shall be nameless, but is one that is very popular and is nationwide. I please myself. Theres the utter selfishness of it. Maybe don't spend $5 on starbucks and $15 on a pack of cigarettes and instead go to Target or Kohls and look through the clearance racks and I bet you anything they could find something affordable. Apparently you're not allowed to have an opinion, especially if certain people disagree with it these days. But the mentality of the store bigwigs is that they can use one person to oversee four computerized terminals instead of hiring four additional people. But yet people get offended if you voice your opinion about this. It is actually commendable for someone of your age and generation to be tattoo-free. What is notable in both countries is that the standard goes up with the average income of the shoppers.Ties I can live without, but there are plenty to be had in UK shops, and if anything they seem to be having a revival especially with younger men. Including torn stained levys. I don't wanna be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don't get how guys dress today. One tie rack in the back. When they dress like slobs, they act more like slobs. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. You can see what this means by tuning into Judge Judy and looking at how far down the tubes America has really gone in the last 20-30 years! Stars like Jonah Hill, Shia LaBeouf, Post Malone, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber dress like dorm-room slackers, supercharged with AmEx black cards. I know it is harder for my apple shape to look nice, but I do try so hard to look nice. No wonder everybody from Patti LuPone on down is complaining that nobody knows how to behave anymore: If you dress like a child, chances are youre going to act like one. If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. And guess whatI can afford my groceries,too. Suits, ties, and dresses: Ah yes, the way people used to dress for summer BBQs. Back to the dark ages is the theme of your message. As if to shame me for caring what I look like. I am sure there is some blame to be put on the top fashion designers who dictate what should be in fashion but come on, bring back real clothing.All this from Canada, I might add. (Side note: I am not laying all of the blame on men here. People looking like potato sacks. variety. Sadly, theres so few places now where you wont be seen as ridiculously overdressed. I do; a little mans suit with shiny black shoes, a little fake kerchief, and a perfect coiffure. In fact, change your goddamn gym clothing BEFORE you LEAVE there. Of course, anything seems to go nowadays, but it still perturbs me when I see it. Small blessings, right? "if you're counting on your appearance to carry the day, it's doubtful you have the chops to compete any other way. Tattoos are also going to fade over time. The baffling popularity of reality TV shows like. So I'm thinking that now even dining out has been monopolized completely by technology. It's gotten so ugly that I notice if someone is even wearing a decent pair of jeans, compared to most of the slob army out there now. I know that their were people like this in the 50s and 60s but it was kept hidden from mainstream America and I know, smoking is not attractive but it was a product of the time period (people didn't know any better). New York Post writer Elisabeth Vincentelli's rant on the growing slob population strikes a chord. As a professional designer, I realize that at least 90% of people wouldn't know what looks good, and they need to be shown. All the blouses are super long that I can't find a decent blouse to go with skirts. I believe such personal values start at home but the catch-22 is if they weren't there or inculcated to begin with. Showing up on time, looking nice, and sitting in the front attentive and off your phone ought to go a long way!Lastly, let's talk about body shapes. I don't understand why people make excuses to not dress nicely. SupaSaucy. It doesn't seem to matter how expensive the place is, either. Also, I've never understood the appeal of bulky hooded sweatshirts, particularly on women. There, a nation of slobs paraded through the crossroads of America. ), I think it repulsive when I see big ugly people wearing their "jammies" to the store, or sagging their grungy pants as if they flaunt being a lowlife. Now we have fat slobs&sluts,who enjoy(or at least don't mind)making the list,on 'people of walmart',even if they are'nt IN walmart. I immediately asked the waitress to remove it from my table when we were being seated. So many people will say, "Who are you trying to impress? ), baggy shorts or PJ bottoms, their clothes are dirty/stained/ripped/tattered or otherwise inappropriate, look (or smell) like they hadn't bathed in a week, or have poured on a bottle of heavy, oily perfume that will gag anyone two blocks away downwind. Dirty shoes and unwashed hair and these are females!Has anyone noticed these DAY GLOW yellow t shirts? He would wear dress pants, open neck shirt and sport's jacket and was overdressed compared to everyone else who were in baggy jeans, many torn or frayed, flip flops, shorts, very sloppy looking. At the end of our meal, the waitress brought back the little computer monitor to my table. I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. Just look at how trim the general American public was in the 20th century. Even in the court house, I asked my attorney (suit and tie as with most of the men) females working there with bare legs and tattoos that actually think they look good? No one at it.I honestly think my boss likes it this way though. Its okay to be heavy now, even if that weight gain resulted from a bad diet. what happened to nice variety of long and short woolen coats? Most 9f us are the work horses that keep the system going, that's all. About tattoos and piercingsI have a lady friend in Ukraine, and we've both noticed that the younger women in Eastern Europe are now following the American trend of covering themselves with tattoos and getting piercings (nose, lips, etc.) They have ruined their otherwise good looks. China would probably invade us if we cut them off and started manufacturing real clothing of our own again, like we once did. A leading question, but I believe that most people today dress less well than the generations before (myself guilty). You could move to new York, but then you have to be spending some serious cash on clothes and probably a style consultant as well to stay with the trends. However, I continually wonder what the hell has happened to our country, with its sham "values" and its embrace of the ugly and hideous, whether it be in fashion, bodies, attitude, politics (don't get me started about Trump!) Sorry for the rant, Pam. It's a complete difference in attitude between what my grandfather would have considered appropriate or even halfway decent, as compared to the 20 year old pop culture twits who have infantilized the world with their inane behaviors and digital music. I went to a department store and wandered around browsing in the clothing section. Better yet, look at photos of bands like the Who, moody blues, the small faces, and the Beatles in the mid 60s during the height of the mod movement. Stop wearing shorts and T shirts in freezing weather, too. I am male and am of the larger variety. I refuse to look like a slob. And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? To me it signals low self esteem, laziness and no pride in yourself. Here in Europe, if a man is wearing jeans and trainers (sneakers for my US friends) and a t shirt, they won't be baggy, sloppy looking items. I actually had a senior faculty member come and talk to our new faculty about how to dress professionally (and why it is importantand these weren't just the stereotype faculty who lack "social skills," shall we say? It's interesting to look at vintage photos of any decade of the 20th century through the 1980s, and compare it to your average shopping mall photo of today. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). This was some fifteen years ago. For every Kardashian trying too hard, you have a Steve Jobs wearing dad jeans and New Balance kicks 24/7. I personally don't find anything attractive about excessive tats and crazy colored hair on either men or women. Too many people now days,either dress like slobs or sluts&I find it apalling,personally. One of Spokane's long-embraced myths holds that our attitudes about casual attire are sharply divided along generational lines. One does'nt have to 'dress up' per se,but they can certainly try to dress decently/nice. I'm not saying that I have a problem with people wearing t-shirts, shorts, etc. Why has it become fashionable to actually want to look like a bum even when you've got plenty of moola to your name? What does "dress like kids" even mean in this context? It gets so old, and it's just another reason why my opinion of society is beginning to drop.Im all for individuality and self-expression, and Im not suggesting that everyone needs to dress to impress when they leave the house. That suggestion always seemed like the epitome of bad advice to me - to save your money and then travel to the source of western culture, only to dress like you're getting ready to paint your house back home. Large women in ugly t-shirts with vulgar sayings, "my other friend is a slut too," political or just idiocy. But now I'm starting to blame the so-called fashion gurus for the problem of people being so poorly and slovenly dressed and having no sense. I might otherwise resemble my Norse ancestors, though even they cared about their appearance. One cannot help but wonder where are morals and standards are heading to and it's quite sad to see America this "dumbed down". Spike Lee in a purple outfit and some presenter in a woman styled suit. I love watching movies from the 30s to the 50s, wherein the majority were dressed to the nines and would never have even gone to bed, much less into public, looking remotely like the Wal-Martians of our time, unless they wanted to be sent to happy acres for degenerate behavior. During my childhood in the 1950s, the manner of dress was much more formal than it is today. It is a question of class. I don't think so!" I see plenty of people who should know better. In the 90s, after all clothing manufacturing, even ordstroms, was move to china the powers that be recognised that the quality was not very good for fashionable clothes. It is disgusting that people just dont care about anything and make sure they dress the part. My husband and i go out to expensive music performances, some of them classical, and I see older people dressed just as heinously, though. A young male yesterday that came in wearing flip flops, tank top, shorts and it was 40 degrees. Seemingly half of our youths wear those hideous "gauge" earrings that distend their ear lobes, coupled with neck tattoos that used to only be seen on convicts, big chunky necklaces, and baseball hats worn sideways and uncreased, like an escapee from a lunatic asylum. These are kids who have no style whatsoever and were raised on a damn Iphone. I don't get it. I know, Pam. The PC Police will probably be after me for saying as much. A suggestion in one of the European books was to save all your worn-out, stained, threadbare clothes for your big European vacation, and then throw out each item after it was worn - that way, there would be ever-increasing space in your suitcase for souvenirs. Not everyone is or can be a size two. And they complain about "suntan" stockings? I won't change but i definitely don't fit in appearance wise. It's a society of disrespect through obnoxious clothing choices, ignorance, and a "screw you I'll be as offensive as I want attitude." So much more profanity, sloppy appearances, uncouth behavior, tattoos, piercings, "Dr. Seuss" hair styles, and people just being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. A colleague who used to work at the Neue Galerie a museum housed in a former Vanderbilt mansion would see visitors in cutoffs. When I do see someone dressed nicely, theyve usually added some touch thats supposed to be quirky and cool but is actually unflattering or just looks stupid. I believe it started somewhere in the 1990sI remember a scene in the movie "Clueless" where Alicia Silverstone's character Cher mentions how boys dress "nowadays": "So, okay. Even when I search the internet for garments made from real wool with classic patterns, I am more and more at a loss to find what I want. I cant recall the last time I saw a nicely dressed female in public. A pair of nice Wrangler jeans (no holes, slashes, not faded or thread-bare), a pair of Vasque hiking boots that are clean and in good shape, and a decent shirt or pull-over fleece sweatshirt (depending on how cold it is). If you want to understand the cluelessness of the American male when it comes to dress, consider a recent Men's Wearhouse commercial in which a fellow freaks out simply because . Shame on them! For a clue, its name ends in "Garden." I love watching old movies and tv shows pre 1965 and see all the well-dressed people. Its looks like highlighter. And if you haven't picked up on it, I am a male myself who holds these "old-fashioned" opinions. I have a challenge for people who read this. It's all being done by design on purpose and it's happening with everything not just the way people are dressed, not just with them being extremely fat, and not just with them having tattoos all over their bodies, it's happening in every single solitary possible way it could happen within the USA. The guys were better but not by much, dress shirts, clean dress pants/kakis. No class whatsoever. It's sad that people find flipping through Instagram more important than there own appearance. Look at TV shows, like Hawaii Five-O, past vs new series. Whatever the reason, I refuse to believe that lack of money is the main cause for dressing like slobs.

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why do celebrities dress like slobs

why do celebrities dress like slobs